Going for Glimmers in 2024
Reflections and Intentions for 2024
Another year around the sun. Can you believe it?
I don't know about you, but my 2023 was overflowing with crazy ups and downs. From very early on, I never quite felt grounded in my usual way and the emotional roller coaster wasn’t exactly great for my mental health, energy or my creativity.
I’ve always been pretty good at finding my footing after a tumble or two, which made everything feel especially off.
But it just wasn’t quite happening the same way it used to, especially early on and through mid-2023.
As reluctant as I am to admit it, I’ve realized a major piece of the puzzle was losing my parents a couple years ago. If you’ve been following me for a while, you may know that both my parents inspired my work in different ways. Both were enthusiastic environmentalists, and involved me and my brother by the time I was six. These formative years shaped my personal ethos, general outlook on life, and eventually my business. My mom inspired my interest in jewelry and fashion with her own incredible heirloom jewelry collection, and my dad encouraged me to make jewelry during a tough time.
Little did I know where it would all take me.

They played such a large role over the last two decades, and their support in my creative endeavors were especially meaningful. So much so, that I've found it hard not to talk about them. Over the last couple years, it's helped to be very intentional and open about their loss.
When it all happened, I began to realize how taboo the subject was, and it felt important to open up about it. Let's just say it's a personal an attempt to normalize the topic in a positive way.
Although I completely understand why people shy away, I’ve become acutely aware that grief and loss aren’t reserved simply for losing those we love when they pass.
They go hand in hand with change in general.
And really, what is life if not a series of constant changes?
Good Grief
I’ve read a lot about grief in the last couple years, and the idea that most resonates with me is that grief is your brain relearning how to live in a world without the people who were there before. And of course, the longer the relationship and closer they were, the harder it is.
Losing both parents in less than a month is no small feat in this regard.
The thing is, while we were as close as we could have been, we had a really complicated relationship in general. It was nothing new and has been that way for as long as I can remember. Even so, we were pretty close.
The secret?

I was incredibly fortunate in this regard. At some point, it became clear to them that my boundaries meant that I wanted them in my life as opposed to the other way around. Not everyone is so lucky. All I know is that without them in place, the relationship would have been far more volatile, strained, and distant.
I’m grateful they met me halfway, because it made all the difference for everyone involved.
Now that they’re gone, I’m finding the inner child in me is seeking them out when I take a proverbial tumble in life. It’s such a bizarre feeling because I never really sought it out when they were here.
While they may not be here in body, they’re both very much alive and well in spirit. My relationship with them has transcended in a way that I haven’t quite been able to fully articulate, and it’s managed to help me grow and move forward in ways I never really imagined.
I may have fallen more times that I can count in 2023, but their spirit gave me something to hold onto in the form of glimmers.
What is a Glimmer?
If you’re not familiar, a glimmer is a delicious little moment in life that lights up your soul. They're great for your mental health because they can help foster resilience and adaptability over time.
The world around us is full of them, and most people can name more than a few when they sit and think about it. It’s known to be the opposite of a trigger, and brings out positive and regenerative feelings. Whether it's the simplicity of a glowing sunrise to the feeling you get when your feet sink into the sand on the shore of a sandy beach, these little moments give you life and even strength.
Simply put, glimmers are those fleeting moments that lift your soul and bring you a sense of pure joy and beauty.
The Power of Glimmers
This year I realized how much they tend to be the catalyst behind my favorite work and greatest strides, personally and professionally.
The glimmers my mom left for me are often found in the sunlight. From the glow of a sunrise to the magic of golden hour, it just feels like she’s there. And my dad? Well, he was an astronomer, and every star, meteor and planet in the night sky seems to have his name written all over them.
Day or night, I've discovered that they’ll always be there whenever I need them to be. The more I looked, the more I saw, and the more I healed.
And then it happened.
Things finally began to turn around.
Go for the Glimmers in 2024
That’s not to say that life isn't a bit of a mess sometimes.
You know how it goes, right?
From having my business Facebook account disabled for months on end for no reason, and losing hair from stress, to being constantly sick through the busiest time of year and missing out work opportunities and holiday celebrations, there always seemed to be a hitch in my carefully laid plans.
Even so.
Little by little and without even realizing it, collecting those momentary glimmers every day allowed them to work behind the scenes. All this time, they were building resilience and mental fortitude through the darkness, and made tough times much easier to manage and move past.
So this year?
My intention for 2024 is to go for the glimmer, and to savor every second that I can.
If you haven’t thought about glimmers before, what are you waiting for?
Finding Your Glimmers
Whether it’s watching clouds float by on a bright sunny day or singing along with your favorite song when it comes on, what gives you that feeling of pure joy, happiness, and comfort?
There's a good chance you can think of at least one on the spot, but I've found glimmers work best in numbers. Even better if they happen daily. If you're starting from scratch, it's worth dedicating at least a half hour weekly, and journaling on it.
I’m really curious - as you’re reading this, have any popped up for you?
I’d love to hear about them! Not only is it inspiring to hear from others, they can be contagious! I've found this to be especially true if you're trading glimmers with your favorite people.
Are you thinking about going for glimmers in 2024?
Share yours in the comments below.