Embracing Softness in 2025
It’s hard not to feel the constant hustle of running a small business. It always seems like there are a million things to do, and never enough time to do it.
In 2025, I’m looking to let my creativity flourish but prevent overwhelm and burnout. So this year more than ever, I want to be intentional and holistic with my approach to my creative work-life balance.
This year is going to be all about connecting to nature along with my favorite people, finding glimmers in quiet moments, and embracing an intentional mindset with everything I do.
So this year, I'm choosing a different path. I'm choosing to lean into softness.
And this is how I’m going to do it.
Connecting to the World at Large for Clarity
I started my business because I loved the creative process of making jewelry, but the creative energy doesn’t stop there. From writing emails or social media posts to updating my site, taking photos and videos, and answering customer questions, I tend to do it all.
And it can be overwhelming.
While I tend to be an introverted homebody who thrives on my own, I’ve begun to understand the importance of getting out and connecting to the world around me.
Sometimes that means going for a walk to clear my head in a nearby park or taking a weekend out by the coast to watch the waves and ground myself in nature. Other times, it means connecting with friends and family to get out of my own head, say hi, and catch up, and have share the ups and downs of life.
It depends on my mood in the moment, but I’ve found that the company of my favorite people and the serenity of nature helps keep my stress levels down, gives me clarity, and lets me fill my creative reserves.
Embracing Glimmers for Creativity
Creativity thrives in the most unexpected places, and one of my favorite places to look is for the little glimmers that life has to offer. This is a habit I’ve picked up in the last few years, and I don’t think I will ever stop holding space for them. It’s amazing how such small things can sometimes make all the difference.
If you’re not familiar, a glimmer is a delicious little moment in life that lights up your soul. They're great for your mental health because they can help foster resilience and adaptability over time.
The world around us is full of them, and most people can name more than a few when they sit and think about it. It’s known to be the opposite of a trigger and brings out positive and regenerative feelings. Whether it's the simplicity of a glowing sunrise to the feeling you get when your feet sink into the sand on the shore of a sandy beach, these little moments give you life and even strength. You can read more about them here.
Holding space for glimmers helps me remain open. They allow me to approach the world with more creativity and see the opportunities the universe has to offer with more clarity.
They’ve been especially helpful in my creative expression because they allow me to get lost in the moment.
These glimmers collect over time, and I find that I can pull some of that energy to help me ignite my imagination and bring new ideas to life.
Living and Working with Intention
Leading with softness doesn't mean abandoning my goals or neglecting my responsibilities.
Quite the opposite.
It's about leaning into my work and life with intention and mindfulness. By now it’s become very clear - I don’t have infinite time and energy.
They're a precious resource and I need to be more aware of how they're used.
I’ve learned my lesson in recent years, and I’m going to be far more considerate of that.
At the beginning of the pandemic, I developed tendonitis in my dominant hand. It took almost a year to heal entirely, but last year, I started having the same problem with my other hand! It was not a very welcome development, and since then I’ve had to learn to be exceptionally mindful of how I use them.
It’s been a challenge, to say the least.
It’s pretty impossible to do anything without your hands, as I discovered during my ongoing healing process. Not only do I use them for work, but they’re a fairly necessary part of life in general. On top of that, my hands have always been how I worked out my stress and anxiety. And without that?
I’ve had to learn how to readjust my creative flow entirely.
When tendonitis flareups weren’t a concern, I could work from dusk until dawn without a thought.
But now? Things are a little different.

I’ve learned to plan with flexibility in mind, which is huge for me. I’m a little embarrassed to admit it, but even ten years ago, planning things in too much detail could bring me to tears. I could never quite figure out why my plans never seemed to pan out, and it caused tons of anxiety around the subject.
It turns out that planning things in minute detail was the problem. Now I make general plans and pivot if necessary. This new insight has been a game changer, and I’m entirely convinced this kind of flexibility is where the magic happens.
If you can believe it, I get more work done, it’s higher quality, and it’s way more efficient.
These days, one of my favorite New Year’s rituals is to go to one of my favorite local shops to pick out a yearly planner.
My inner twenty-something would be astonished and very proud!
A Quick Note for Creatives

I’m also learning to incorporate breaks and working regular physical therapy into my daily routine, and I’m learning this is a very good thing for us creatives. Fifteen intentional minutes a day allows me to strengthen and stretch all the muscles around my hands and wrists so they have better support, which in turn supports everything I do in work and life.
While this has been incredibly helpful and has made a huge difference, it’s also been a serious challenge!
Even so, I’m making progress.
I just wish I had started sooner!
Less Hustle, More Flow
Embracing softness is about working with intention, and finding that creative sweet spot.
By prioritizing connection, being open to glimmers, and working with intention, I'm cultivating a more sustainable and fulfilling creative practice. I'm choosing to honor my energy, nurture my well-being, and let my creativity flow naturally.
Of course, that's the plan.
But who knows?
I'll make adjustments when they're needed.
Maybe it'll even bring me a little magic along the way.

Have you ever considered incorporating these principles into your own life and work? With the new year ahead of us, now is the perfect time to start.
And if you're already on the journey, I'd want to know how it's going! What works, what doesn't, and what lessons did you learn?
Drop your insights in the comments below.